TIA Power Electronics Summer School

I had been in Tsukuba between August 24 and 27 for summer school program
First of all, I would like to mention about Tsukuba, it is a very good, silent and attractive place for me. Because, not so many people, no rush hours and no stressful side of city life.
For summer school program, I think it was really good program even I don’t understand Japanese completely still I managed to stay focus due to their beautiful and attractive presentations of popular Professors. At the end of first day we present our presentation. I upload a picture of me and our presentation. For the third day of program was English, I think it is well thought method and there are two well-known European Professors. I had chance to speak with one of them whose name is Leo Lorenz.



ドイツ滞在の備忘録 [FAU @Erlangen]

第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(9/15~20)@新潟 朱鷺メッセ