Intensive lectures in TIA SUMMER SCHOOL for POWER ELECTRONICS 2013

Hello again everyone! I am Chanthaphan, doctoral student in Watanabe Lab. I and SiC team members (Furkan, Higuchi, and Fukushima) went to Tsukuba to join "TIA Power Electronics Summer School", which is the tutorial seminar in power electronics provided by Tsukuba Power Electronics Constellations (TPEC) We had joined the event from August 24 - 27.

During the event, many famous persons in a variety field of power electronics gave us the fruitful lectures from basic lectures, e.g. the overview of power electronics used in real life to advance lectures, e.g. SiC power devices and its applications. The most interesting thing in the lecture is the student evaluation system (scoring). For the top 3 students will be awarded the prize. The staffs from TPEC (e.g. AIST, University of Tsukuba) had a duty to observe each individuals in the lecture room (and during drinking party?) and prompt to give or reduce the scores. For examples, they can give the score to someone who asks the questions or answers the questions. As well, they can mark down the scores for the student who sleeps in the room. These gave much pressure to me to "FIGHT" with others. So I asked several questions, gave the personal comments, and tried to answer the questions to the lecturers. I think sometime they may surprise that it is not so many international students in this event, so most of them kindly explained the answers and replied my comments.

Poster presentation and night party

On the first night, there was a small party together with the poster presentation. We prepared the poster to introduce our short personal profiles and research activities. Again, the staffs can evaluate the student during this time too. They asked us for the volunteers who really want to give the special poster presentation to bring the poster and talk in front of everyone. (While Higuchi was enjoying drinking in the party), I decided to bring my poster and talk in front of everyone. This was very exited to me be asked about the research. But the truth is they kept asking me only about Thailand and my personal hobbies (orz).

Poster presentation!!

This summer school event was a very good opportunity to us to meet with many company guys too. I did know some famous researchers in TPEC and Japanese companies. I hope that they will recognize me in the future. Even I finally could not get the prize but I know that I did my best. I would also appreciate for a great support (travel & hotel & other expenses) from TPEC.

As one of the researcher in SiC-based power devices, I will be a part of the wheels to push forward the new innovation of power electronics.

Lastly, thank you for Kimoto-sensei from Kyoto University for a very interesting lecture. During the lecture, Kimoto-sensei asked us about what is the good point and bad point of SiC UMOSFET (as compared with DMOSFET). The interesting thing is Kimoto-sensei ask "Watanabe lab members"  answer the question. So I must raised up my hand and answer this question. Fortunately, my answer was correct..... (Feel safe)



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