Trip to ICSCRM2015 in Catania - the enjoyable eating experiences in a pasta city

Hello, everyone. I'm Chanthaphan! It's been a so long time I haven't written the LabLog. Today I'm gonna share my impression of a precious trip to attend ICSCRM2015 (pronounces like "ice cream"), the biggest international conference on silicon carbide (SiC). This year it's in Catania (Sicily, Italy). It's very excited because I'd never been to Europe. Before going to share the most interesting experiences about how fun is the trip, I'd like to honestly say that I went there indeed to present my updated research activities comprising TWO presentations! They're one poster presentation and one oral presentation. Since I did work very hard (really!), which means, I did not have a good chance to take my own pictures during my presentations. So, sadly, I don't have any picture to show as a trip evidence.

According to the blog posted recently by Katsu, I spent time mostly with him for a whole week. We started a journey from Osaka (KIX) to Catania with a bit nervous about a travel safety. But right after we got on the airplane, we felt better relief because of good foods and drinks. Especially for Katsu, his work had been chosen as "the invited poster", so he energized his potential by drinking many alcohols (together with me) while practicing the presentation.

Practicing with Heineken beer! Katsu kept saying "It's my great honor to be here!"

After we arrived at Catania Airport at night, we took a shuttle bus to a hotel named "Kassiopea" in Giardini Naxos, which was an Italian home where we were going to stay during this conference.

In the morning of the first day, we walked around to view a nice scenery in Giardini Naxos before going to attend the conference. The view from here we could see a variety of buildings on mountains above the clear blue ocean and under the cloudless blue sky!

Enjoying! but there's a lot of works to do!!

Nice landscapes viewed from Giardini Naxos

Finally, we arrived the conference hall at Atahotel. We attended a tutorial session which was very impressive particularly the lecture given by Dr. Cooper. He gave a comprehensive talk regarding SiC-based power devices in a nutshell.

Pictures of the front and main hall of ICSCRM2015.
Photographing is prohibited during the presentation.

The lunches in the conference were served as a buffet style with a variety of foods, e.g. Italian dishes, cheeses, steaks. We could also drink wines in a lunch time!

Various meals and drinks served during the lunches in ICSCRM2015

Even after the conference, we went to eat dinners at some restaurants nearby. We ordered frequently Italian menu like pasta and pizza. The meal price here was a little cheaper than in Japan (and thanks to Sensei that always support us), thus we ordered many foods but sometimes we could not eat them all. After dinners, we always felt somewhat motionless every day around 8-9 pm because of jet lag lol.

Katsu said that "I want to go to bed.", even the time was around 9 pm.

The most delicious pizza in the word is in Italy!!!

In ICSCRM2015, it's not only the lunches but dinners were also supported by the conference and sponsors. Especially for Cree Inc., like every time, they usually arrange a superb night party in the every ICSCRM. The Cree party in ICSCRM 2015 was very crowded with famous SiC researchers hanging out together with wonderful Italian beverages, meals, and desserts. The Sicilian atmosphere was intensified by live music performance and closed-shot fireworks.

Everyone who's reading this blog may think that did we really enjoy only eating? I'd say that the Catania city is also very attractive. The historic Italian buildings getting along well with scenery landscapes would be alike delicious pasta and wine. We got chances to visit some places, i.e. Taormina, and the downtown of Catania. We visited historic theaters, cathedrals, and old constructions.

Scenery from top of Taormina

Old roman theater

Castle (Museo Civico al Castello Ursino)

It was my great opportunity to attend the ICSCRM2015 in Italy. This will be also my unforgettable memory. I would like to thank Sensei for their supports. It was impossible for me to success without your exceptional guidances. Thanks to Katsu for being my buddy during the conference. I hope that I can get enough result for submitting to next ECSCRM2016 in Greece. It's time to do more experiments!

View from the return flight back to Osaka

Ice Cream (Gelato) conference lol

p.s. I have gained weight about 1.5 kg too...



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