Honorable moment: President of Thai Students' Association in Japan

In last year, I was served as the head of Thai student in Osaka region. In this year, I was promoted to be the president of Thai Students' Association in Japan Under the Royal Patronage (TSAJ: http://tsaj.org). This is one of the most precious moments in my life. I should organize cultural and academic activities for all Thai students in Japan. The upcoming "Thai-Japan International Academic Conference 2013 (TJIA 2013: http://tsaj.org/tjia2013)" will be organized and held in Osaka University on November 9th.



ドイツ滞在の備忘録 [FAU @Erlangen]

第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(9/15~20)@新潟 朱鷺メッセ