Intensive lectures in TIA SUMMER SCHOOL for POWER ELECTRONICS 2013

Hello again everyone! I am Chanthaphan, doctoral student in Watanabe Lab. I and SiC team members (Furkan, Higuchi, and Fukushima) went to Tsukuba to join "TIA Power Electronics Summer School" , which is the tutorial seminar in power electronics provided by Tsukuba Power Electronics Constellations (TPEC) . We had joined the event from August 24 - 27. During the event, many famous persons in a variety field of power electronics gave us the fruitful lectures from basic lectures, e.g. the overview of power electronics used in real life to advance lectures, e.g. SiC power devices and its applications. The most interesting thing in the lecture is the student evaluation system (scoring). For the top 3 students will be awarded the prize . The staffs from TPEC (e.g. AIST, University of Tsukuba) had a duty to observe each individuals in the lecture room (and during drinking party?) and prompt to give or reduce the scores. For examples, they can give ...