Unforgettable accident

Good day everyone! Today I have a story to share. Since I got a ski accident during new year period, my left fibula bone (foreleg bone) was fractured and the ligaments were damaged. This happened on the first day when I went to ski with Thai friends at Madarao Kogen, Nagano. I do not really understand why this unluckiness happened to me. The accident was very fast. It was happened on December 27, 2011 at about 4 pm on the last slope which is the intermediate ski trace.` I told my friends "This is the last for today and then let's go to dinner!!". Also I had never fallen down from ski on that day. I never thought that just one falling, one mistake can cause this serious accident. Once I bent my body to make right-curved turning, but somehow I could not control and keep my body standing on the ski. Consequently my whole body (~90 kg) was threw down to the ground but unluckily the ski shoe was kept on the stand position. This situation made the ski shoe itself...